ZETA Webinar on CBAM's Impact in the Turkish Renewable Energy Market

Pinar Kilavuzlu
June 6, 2024

On June 6, 2024, ZETA (Zero Emissions Traders Alliance) co-organised a successful webinar addressing the 'CBAM Indirect Emissions Impact on the Turkish Renewable Energy Market.'

Hosted by Enerji Ticareti Derneği (Energy Traders Association) in collaboration with ZETA, The International Tracking Standard Foundation (founder of I-REC), DLA Piper, APLUS Enerji, and Foton Energy, the webinar attracted 166 participants from 14 countries across various sectors. The event covered crucial topics such as CBAM indirect emissions calculation, PPA definitions in CBAM, and the challenges faced by exporting countries.

With Jan Haizmann and Kutalmış Ersoy moderating the discussions, speakers provided an overview of CBAM in the context of the EU ETS and carbon leakage, explaining the implementation timeline and practicalities of registration and compliance. They highlighted the minimum requirements of PPAs based on CBAM regulations and discussed the relevance of renewable energy certificates under PPAs. The benefits of a standardized CBAM-compliant PPA to the Turkish market were also emphasized.

The discussion included the interaction with Energy Attribute Certificates, such as IREC(E), and detailed Türkiye's specific electricity market structure. The webinar was concluded by outlining the types of PPA agreements that would succeed in the Turkish electricity market.

Speakers included Kenneth Wallace-Mueller from DLA Piper, Jared Braslawsky from The International Tracking Standard Foundation, Volkan Yigit from APLUS Enerji, and Can Arslan from Foton Energy.

You can watch the webinar session via this link.


Picture of Pinar
Pinar Kilavuzlu
Zero Emissions Traders Alliance